Josh Basile and Kelley Brooks Simoneaux, both seasoned attorneys, shed light on the multifaceted challenges individuals face after a spinal cord injury. Beyond the immediate focus of recovery, they uncover the daunting realities of navigating financial burdens, deciphering insurance complexities, managing fundraisers, safeguarding assets, and understanding one’s legal rights. Josh’s founding of SPINALpedia, aptly named for its comprehensive support network, serves as an invaluable resource for those seeking guidance and community. Through mentorship and shared experiences, SPINALpedia offers solace and encouragement to individuals grappling with the mindboggling obstacle course post-injury. Tune in to better understand why Josh likes to say, “Together we are stronger and together we are not alone!”
Documenting NuMotion’s Poor Service
AccessiBe Guest Speaker
The First 100 Days After a Spinal Cord Injury
Speaker at AAJ Conference in Philadelphia
Keynote Speaker for The Association for Driver Rehabilitation Specialist Conference
A Trip to the White House!
Kelley featured in The Week Junior!
Featured in CNET
Take a look at this article that I was interviewed for regarding accessibility in the workforce and how things have changed due to Covid.
Accommodations like working from home didn't happen because of the needs of people with disabilities, but they ultimately ended up benefiting some, like attorney Kelley Simoneaux. She's been using a wheelchair since she was 16, when a car wreck caused her to sustain a spinal cord injury. Since then, she's had to deal with barriers practically everywhere she goes, including on commutes. But that's one problem that was removed when she started working from home.
"I didn't have to worry anymore if the elevator was working on the metro, because I wasn't having to make my commute anymore," Simoneaux said. "You eliminate those potential problems that can exist by trying to get from point A to point B."
Tennessee Law Magazine Featured Article
Here is the most recent publication for Tennessee's Law Magazine featuring an article about me!
What Pregnancy Looks Like
My 20 Year Anniversary with an SCI
Looking back to where I was TWENTY years ago today--those fears that flooded my mind about what my life would be without the use of half of my body have been replaced by memories of the joyful life I have made. It is not surprising though that I started with those fears because, after a life-altering event, one can only live in the moment, taking it minute-by-minute to survive. Now the accumulation of those minute-by-minute actions over two decades has led me to a well-lived life, with far more good than bad, even though not always easy.
Pregnancy perspective from a wheelchair Mom
Being pregnant during Covid can make you feel like you are going through the process alone because your partner is unable to join you to appointments and your ability to gather with other women is cut off.
But for women with disabilities who are pregnant, we can easily feel like this even without a world pandemic brewing.
Speaking Up Against NuMotion
Disability Employment Awareness Month
Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Month
Introducing Uplift
30th Anniversary of the ADA
Today marks the 30th Anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act-- a landmark civil rights legislation that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public. The purpose of the law is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else.
How Does a Personal Injury Lawsuit Work?
Most people are unfamiliar with how the personal injury lawsuit process works, leading many to feel uneasy about pursuing a personal injury claim. However, with the right lawyer, the personal injury lawsuit process can be easy. Read on to learn the step-by-step process of how personal injury lawsuits work.
Ride-Sharing: Is Accessibility Required?
Ride-sharing services, such as Uber and Lyft, have surged in popularity in the past several years. People all across the country, and the world, utilize ride-sharing services on a day-to-day basis to get where they need to go. Unfortunately, ride-sharing services are widely inaccessible to people with physical disabilities. Read on to learn about the complications with the Americans with Disabilities Act, accessibility, and ride-sharing services.